About Us
We strive to identify and address the workforce needs of new and existing business and industry by developing mutually beneficial partnerships with education systems, training providers, job seekers, and the local community
Southeast AlabamaWorks, Region 6, is one of seven regional workforce councils in Alabama, created to serve business and industry through the development of a skilled workforce and pipeline of future employees.
We implement strategies developed by the Alabama Workforce Council – AlabamaWorks – on a local level to ensure every community, from urban areas to rural towns, has an industry-led council using available resources to help local businesses and workers prosper.

Nicole Patterson
Workforce Development Coordinator
E: nicole@southeastalabamaworks.com
P: 334-616-9911


The Alabama Workforce Council is comprised of educators and business and industry executives from throughout the state tasked with ensuring that all Alabamians have the capacity to pursue their educational goals and realize long-term career opportunities that will power Alabama’s economic future.
Marketing & Promotion

Seeks out the best ways to increase awareness and educate students or job candidates about available opportunities in various industry sectors. This committee is also tasked with evaluating the benefit of increasing the marketing associated with career readiness and skilled craft trades.

Education & Industry Collaboration
Works with and through various education and industry groups, organizations, and trade associations to advise the education community on both ways to assist industry in preparing students or job candidates to enter the workforce and the best procedures for the state to collect workforce development data.

Private/Public Partnerships
Evaluates opportunities to establish public/private partnerships across the state. This committee evaluates options for creating industry-funded scholarship programs for community colleges, vocational programs, and dual enrollment programs.

Workforce Structure Alignment
Reviews ways to streamline and align the existing workforce development functions of the state. This committee evaluates the standards for membership in and operations of the existing ten regional workforce development councils and also makes recommendations to realign the regional workforce councils.